Saturday, December 20, 2014

Last US Flight - SEATAC Class Bravo Transition

A few months late, I can finally release the GoPro video from my last flight in the US. Big thanks to my wife for letting me live the American Aviation dream. I have great memories for the rest of my life.

#ShareAviation #letgsgoflying #seeya

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Airplane Geeks Podcast

Has social media been great for you? In early 2011 I was close to giving up on Facebook and I hardly ever used Twitter. But then Pieter Johnson and the Airplane Geeks discovered my aviation story. Since that first appearance on the Across The Pond section of the podcast in September 2011, I've embraced every opportunity that social media has offered me. 

Twitter is not just about reading posts on what people had for dinner last night! Used correctly it can open up new opportunities for you within aviation or your interests.

Facebook is not just about finding old friends. It too can open up new opportunities within aviation. 

The message here is that you should never stop telling the world your General Aviation stories and dreams/aspirations. Use social media to share your story.

You can hear my 4th appearance on the Across the Pond segment of the Airplane Geeks. Check out episode 327.

Thanks Pieter, Max, Rob and David for all the coverage you have provided over the last three years. The US aviation chapter has finished (for now). I'm now embarking on a new chapter in Europe on the other side of the pond.

Be sure to check out Aviation Xtended and the Airplane Geeks podcasts on iTunes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

737 NG Simulator

Logged 0.75 hours in a non-motion 737 NG which is located at my local airport here in Ireland.

EIDW ILS Approach Runway 28
Spent the time flying approaches and touch'n goes into Dublin Airport. Departed on the LIFFY 5A SID and then joined the ILS at about 10-15nm near LAPMO. 

For the last two approaches, I asked for 1/2SM visibility and proceeded to hand fly the aircraft down to minimums. Great fun.

Aircraft felt a little over sensitive to pitch control changes but I've never flown a real 737 so I have nothing to compare it to! 

Have another sim session booked. before the end of the year. Planning to fly a short hop between Dublin and Liverpool which should take about 30 minutes.

Inside 737 NG